About this event

  • Date and time Tue 11 Feb 2025 from 8:30am to 13 Feb 2025 at 5:00pm
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine
  • Organised by Orthopaedics

Join us for our popular, annual Orthopaedic Trauma Symposium which will provide a comprehensive update on evidence-based management and operative techniques in orthopaedic trauma for practising surgeons and dedicated teaching sessions for surgical trainees to aid preparation for the UK Fellowship examination. Get 25% OFF when booking for three days or 15% OFF for two days.

The event will feature trauma-style meetings on periprosthetic fractures, fracture-related infections, and paediatric trauma, led by an expert panel, including a librarian and basic science specialist. Expert sessions will cover fractures of the hand, foot, spine, scapula, tibial plateaux, elbow, proximal humerus, and pilon. Trauma debates will address rib fractures in the elderly, calcaneal fixation, ankle approaches, femoral cabling, dual fixation, and whether to nail or plate the humeral shaft. Attendees can participate in virtual training and discussions on tips for non-union/malunion. Keynote talks and an OrthoHub live session will conclude the programme.

Upon completion of this year's programme, participants can expect to:

  • Assess the efficacy of new treatment options through evidence-based data 
  • Understand the latest principles in fracture healing and gain the latest knowledge of effective therapies for non-union
  • Critically discuss the treatment of fractures

Useful resources:

Papers on Non-union:

All papers on Periprosthetic

FRI papers and discussions

Other papers 1

Paper 2

Paper 3


Immobilisation of torus fractures of the wrist in children (FORCE): a randomised controlled equivalence trial in the UK - The Lancet

Please ensure you download this material and keep it accessible during the meeting:

Follow us on:


We would like to thank our sponsors Acumed, Biocomposites, BONESUPPORT UK, Johnson & Johnson MedTech, LEDA Orthopaedics, Neptune Medical, Orthofix, Paragon 28, Royal Air Force and Smith+Nephew for their support of this meeting. Please note that the main scientific programme and content has not been influenced in any way by the sponsors.


View the programme - Day 1 11 February 2025

Registration, tea, and coffee
Welcome and introduction

Mr Enis Guryel, President, Orthopaedic Section, Royal Society of Medicine

Fracture related infection MDT

Jamie Ferguson, Alexis Illiadis, Chris MacDonald, Sunil Sharma, and fact checking by Lucy Wells

Tea and coffee break

Trauma meeting

Questions and answers on elbow dislocations and proximal ulna fractures

Joideep Phadnis, Lee Van Rensburg, Niloofar Dehghan, with fact checking by Lucy Wells and basic science by Arshad Khaleel


Keynote lecture

Frailty fracture management

Niloofar Dehghan

Meet the experts

Group A: Lis Franc injuries

Raju Ahluwalia

Group B: Virtual Fracture Clinic

Rachel Titheradge


Group B: Lis Franc injuries

Raju Ahluwalia

Group A: Virtual Fracture Clinic

Rachel Titheradge

Tea and coffee break

Great trauma debates

Rib fractures in the elderly

Niloofar Dehghan vs Ben Ollivere

Which approach to the ankle?

Andy Riddick vs Lyndon Mason

Close of meeting
View the programme - Day 2 12 February 2025

Registration, tea, and coffee
Welcome and introduction

Mr Enis Guryel, President, Orthopaedic Section, Royal Society of Medicine

Trauma meeting

Questions and answers on nonunions

Nik Kanakaris, Bob Handley, David Elliott, Niloofar Dehghan, with fact checking by Lucy Wells and basic science by Arshad Khaleel

Tea and coffee break

Meet the expert

Group A: Tibial plateau?

Jayne Ward

Group B: Title to be confirmed

Enis Guryel

Technology Transforming Trauma

Chair: Tony Antonios

Artificial intelligence in trauma surgery: Reality, potential and impact

Professor Mohammed Imam

Starting your Artificial Intelligence journey

Mr Vipin Asopa


Keynote debate

Plate that humerus

Niloofar Dehghan

Nail that humerus

Enis Guryel

Meet the expert

Group B: Title to be confirmed

Enis Guryel

Group A: Tibial plateau

Jayne Ward

Chat GPT or pubmed?

Lucy Wells

Tea and coffee break

Trauma meeting

Questions and answers on periprosthetic fractures

Zu Nawaz, David Crone, Ash Vasireddy, with fact checking by Lucy Wells and basic science by Arshad Khaleel

Close of meeting
View the programme - Day 3 13 February 2025

Registration, tea, and coffee
Welcome and introduction

Mr Enis Guryel, President, Orthopaedic Section, Royal Society of Medicine

Paediatric trauma meeting

Question and answer session

Kyle James, Tom Crompton, and Lucy Wells

Tea and coffee break


Group A: Pilon fixation

Mike Kelly

Group B: Limb recon

Alex Trompeter

Group C: VRiMS

Jagtar Dhanda



Group A: Limb recon

Alex Trompeter

Group B: VRiMS

Jagtar Dhanda

Group C: Pilon fixation

Mike Kelly

Keynote lecture

Great debates in trauma biomechanics

Bob Handley and David Elliot

Tea and coffee break


Group A: VRiMS

Jagtar Dhanda

Group B: Pilon fixation

Mike Kelly

Group C: Limb recon

Alex Trompeter

Orthohub live podcast: Bone tumours

Pete Bates and Will Aston

Close of meeting


Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom

Disclaimer: All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the RSM nor the speaker's organisations.

Registration for this event will close on 10 February 2025 at 1:00am (GMT). Late registrations will not be accepted.

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in future on various internet channels. 

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While you’re attending this event

Why not stay in the comfort of our hotel, Domus Medica, book dinner in the restaurant, or even hire one of our private dining rooms to socialise with your peers?

RSM members enjoy access to our enviable club facilities. For more information, please contact our team at domus@rsm.ac.uk or restaurant@rsm.ac.uk.

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