About this section
The Otology Section’s purpose is to support the clinical practice of diseases of the ear, providing education, supporting and recognising research and seeking interface with other Sections in mutually relevant areas. This Section meets on the same day as the Rhinology and Laryngology Section, on the first Friday of November, December, February, March and July.
Section Council members
Section meetings and conferences are usually organised by members of the Section Council, led by the Section President and often in collaboration with specialist societies.
Interested in joining the Section Council?
Section Councils play a pivotal role at the RSM and we are always looking for members who would like to get involved. If you would like to apply, please complete our application form and a Council representative will be in touch.
Upcoming otology events and webinars
View all events being run by the Otology and Laryngology & Rhinology Sections.
Add the complete series of events to your cart by clicking here.

On demand: Improving outcomes

Visiting Professors and future developments within our speciality
Student prizes & awards
Trainee prizes & awards
Join the RSM today
Become a member today and get discounted rates on our education programme.
For working doctors and consultants (FY1 to ST8), retired doctors, and those holding senior management positions in medicine or healthcare.
For scientists and other professionals with a proven interest (or role) in the healthcare sector, but who do not hold a medical qualification.
For those studying medicine, dentistry or another healthcare-related subject, who are on their way to becoming a qualified medical or healthcare professional.
The Otology Section 2024-2025 Programme Sponsors
The Otology Section would like to thank our Annual Sponsors B.Braun Medical Ltd, DP Medical Systems LTD, Medtronic and Soluvos Medical for their valued support of the 2024 to 2025 Academic Programme.
Please note that none of the companies listed has had any influence or involvement over the agenda, content or organisation of the meetings.