"Section for General Practice and Primary Care"

Showing results 361–370 of 1140
Celebrating long service for two RSM staff members

We recently awarded two of our longest serving members of staff with medals, congratulating them for an incredible combined 70 years working at the Royal Society of Medicine. Beata Coffey, Information...


Dermatology clinical cases and Presidential address

The clinical cases are to gain an understanding of the diagnosis and management of some of the rarer and more unusual dermatology conditions and unusual presentations of common dermatological problems...
  • Date Thu 20 Jun 2024
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom
Impact factor increase for Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

The recent announcement of 2019 impact factors for academic journals revealed a significant increase for the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. At 5.2 the JRSM impact factor is up from 3.5 in 2...

Resource allocations for health and education should be based on evidence, not politics

If resource allocation decisions were made based on evidence rather than internal and external politics, the education sector would get a large chunk of resources, given its potential for positive imp...

Nominations being sought for Trustees to join the RSM Council

Nominations are now being sought for three Elected Council Members to take up post on the RSM Council for a period of three years from 1 October 2021. The Society has a track record of delivering medi...

Life in lockdown essentials: Special offers for RSM Members

Discounts on IT, access to tech advice & other benefits We’ve teamed up with Dell UK to provide a range of discounts on selected IT and other benefits to RSM Members*, including 10-20% discount off la...