"Section for General Practice and Primary Care"

Showing results 2281–2290 of 2360
President’s update: July 2020

Professor Sir Simon Wessely hands over the reins It’s not a great time for ceremonies. Next week my son gets married. Originally there were going to be 120 of us, then it was cancelled, but now it’s b...

A day in the life of a pharmaceutical physician

Is there a typical day for a doctor working in pharmaceutical medicine? Paul Robinson, Executive Director, Patient Perspective at Merck Sharp and Dohme suggests there’s no such thing. I was asked to s...

Complaints policy

We always welcome feedback from our members and others. Find out how this can be submitted. We aim to maintain a high standard in all our work and we welcome feedback from all our members and others. ...


Further along the Embankment

Join Sue Weir for a walk further along the Embankment. We will continue our exploration of the gardens, statues, small streets, a roman bath and barristers' chambers. Another area of hidden gems. Meet...
  • Date Wed 5 Oct 2022
  • Price £17
Enjoy the best of London with themed weekend tours by Jon Baines

Shopping London Friday 23 - Monday 26 July 2021 Enjoy a private wine tasting at Berry Bros and Rudd, afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason’s and a walking tour led by tour leader Janice Liverseidge, who ...

Transcribing Jenner

How one RSM life fellow is helping shed light on the father of immunology Adrian Manning first joined the RSM over 30 years ago when he was a consultant gastroenterologist working at the Bradford Roya...

Doctors urged to recognise post-antidepressant sexual dysfunction

A psychiatrist specialising in sexual dysfunction caused by antidepressants is calling for greater recognition of the problems that can endure after treatment stops. Professor David Healy, writing in ...

Eight extraordinary medical breakthroughs during The Queen’s 70-year reign

Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee marks 70 years of extraordinary service to the nation in parallel with advances in medicine, science and healthcare. To celebrate this momentous occasion, the ...

Researchers’ Covid timeline

The unprecedented scale and speed of the global scientific and medical response to COVID-19 has been captured in a new timeline developed by the Royal Society of Medicine. On the eve of its milestone ...