"Section for General Practice and Primary Care"

Showing results 1411–1420 of 2362
Professor Gillian Leng biography

Honorary Librarian (2013–2021) CBE, MD Gillian Leng is the Deputy Chief Executive at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and a visiting professor at King’s College London. Af...

Technology should be used to boost empathy-based medicine

Existing digital technologies must be exploited to enable a paradigm shift in current healthcare delivery which focuses on tests, treatments and targets rather than the therapeutic benefits of empathy...


Specialty careers fair 2022

Registration has now closed. If you didn't make it in time, there's no need to worry. We'd love you to attend, so just turn up on the day and register here. Medical students and foundation trainee doc...
  • Date Sat 10 Dec 2022
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom

Respiratory Medicine: A career introduction

This webinar will provide a detailed insight into respiratory medicine for anyone interested in pursuing it as a career. We have invited a panel of respiratory trainees and consultants who will provid...
  • Date Tue 18 Oct 2022
Webinar CPD

Vasculitis: From cell to service

This two-day international webinar is composed of a multi-professional faculty reflecting the multi-systemic nature of vasculitis and autoinflammation. Comprehensive updates on UKIVAS group activitie...
  • Date Wed 17 Nov 2021
Webinar CPD

The complexities on reading: A fascinating neurological process

The last webinar in The Brain Series: Reading and writing, will examine 'reading' and how complex the everyday task of reading is by exploring brain development, some pathologies that can affect our ...
  • Date Tue 1 Jun 2021
  • Price £6 - £20
Covid-19: hospital response risks worsening health inequalities

Disadvantaged and marginalised people face worsening health inequalities as a result of the difficult choices made by NHS hospitals in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Public health doctors, writing...