"Section for General Practice and Primary Care"

Showing results 1361–1370 of 2362
Free Webinar CPD

Circadian rhythms in respiratory disease: Do they matter?

Circadian rhythms are increasingly being recognised as a key driver of diseases. Not only do they generate novel therapeutic targets but also allows us to manipulate them through environmental interve...
  • Date Tue 15 Jun 2021
  • Price Free
The Royal Society of Medicine welcomes new Honorary Fellows

A special ceremony was held at the Royal Society of Medicine on Tuesday 27 July 2021 to induct the Society’s new Honorary Fellows, to award RSM Medals and to formally inaugurate Professor Roger Kirby ...


Squint forum 2022

This year’s annual Squint Forum meeting will be split into two parts. We will firstly examine the effects of strabismus and binocular problems in the elderly, including the effect and management of st...
  • Date Thu 15 Dec 2022
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom
in review

As 2022 draws to a close, Royal Society of Medicine leaders share their thoughts on another momentous year in healthcare. Other than Covid, what was the biggest issue in healthcare? Dr Allyson Egan, P...

Free Cancelled Webinar

RSM Nephrology Renal Round-up

Attend this meeting for an informative discussion on the recent advances in the field of Nephrology including therapeutics, clinical trials, basic science and clinical services. The outcome is to rais...
  • Date Wed 13 Sep 2023
Drugs bill warning over US/UK trade deal

The NHS would spend billions of pounds more on drugs if it had to pay US prices following a US/UK trade deal. According to a new study by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Harvard...

Venous Forum

About this section The Venous Forum’s purpose is to promote healthcare in the field of venous disease, provide information for the public and healthcare professionals on the management of venous disea...

History of Medicine Society

About this section The History of Medicine Society’s purpose is to form a meeting ground for scholars, students and for all those who feel that the study of the history of medicine has a value in educ...

Professor Maggie Rae Epidemiology public health

A typical day for me means getting up early and straight onto the computer. As well as being President of the RSM’s Epidemiology & Public Health Section, I’m President of the UK Faculty of Public ...