A festive message from our President and Chief Executive
Professor Roger Kirby and Michele Acton offer their warmest wishes to all those who are part of the Royal Society of Medicine community.
December 2021
Welcome to the December issue of RSM Engage, the digital magazine for members of the Royal Society of Medicine.
In this our last issue of 2021 we begin with a seasonal message for the RSM community from our President, Professor Roger Kirby, and our Chief Executive, Michele Acton.
Professor Humphrey Scott reflects on his first year as RSM Dean of Education, and we hear from some of our new Section Presidents who share plans for their specialist areas over the coming year.
We shine a spotlight on the Section of General Practice with Primary Care. There’s news of a partnership between the RSM and the World Psychiatric Association, which will bring together these two highly esteemed organisations to share best practice, and we preview an insightful new paper from the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
There are highlights from the Howard Lecture (a new addition to the RSM’s series of high-profile public engagement lectures) and there’s a round-up of submission deadlines for a crop of RSM prizes coming up in January and February 2022.
There’s a reminder of our festive period opening times for No. 1 Wimpole Street and if you’re in the market for a new electric car, don’t miss the special offer for RSM members below.
Professor Roger Kirby and Michele Acton offer their warmest wishes to all those who are part of the Royal Society of Medicine community.
Professor Humphrey Scott reflects on his first year as Dean of Education at the Royal Society of Medicine and highlights some significant milestones achieved.
Two of our new Section Presidents share their specialty education programmes for the year ahead and describe what being a member of the RSM means to them.
Section President Jeshni Amblum-Almér talks about her plans to extend RSM primary care education across the globe.
A paper first published by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine on 27 October 2021 has proved particularly relevant, given the recent emergence of the Omicron variant.
A new collaboration between the Royal Society of Medicine and the World Psychiatric Association is set to expand the learning and education opportunities for psychiatrists across the globe.
People from around the world and the UK joined a Royal Society of Medicine celebration to mark the centenary of insulin.
Here is a selection of prizes with submission deadlines coming up during January and February 2022 for RSM trainee and student members.
The Royal Society of Medicine’s Council passed a special resolution to extend Professor Roger Kirby’s term of office as President by up to one year.
Six months on from our first Spotlight on long COVID, this second episode will look at the current prevalence and cases of long COVID, how our understanding of symptoms and treatments has moved on, and the challenges around access to care.
Professor Alan Roberts OBE, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, recipient of the RSM Medal and former RSM Vice-President and Honorary Treasurer has sadly died.
As part of planned maintenance work, we will be closing the No.1 Wimpole Street Club and Library areas earlier than usual. The building will close at 12 noon on Sunday 19 December 2021.
You will need to log in to the website to access the offer, using the email address you used to sign up as a member.
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Catch up on news, opinions and information about the Royal Society of Medicine's activities by exploring previous issues of RSM Engage.