Please note this page is updated regularly.

All submissions must be sent in by 11.59pm on the stated deadline date.

Generally prizes, awards or travel grants must be claimed before the end of the academic year in which they are gained (30 September).

For more information or help please contact

General Practice with Primary Healthcare

John Fry prize

Deadline: Thursday 1 August 2024

Open to: Medical, nursing and allied healthcare students with an interest in general practice and primary care

Apply here


CAIPE John Horder Team Award and John Horder Student Award

Deadline: Wednesday 31 July 2024

Open to: Individuals or teams working within the community who can demonstrate outstanding principles of collaborative working and the Student annual essay award offered to a student who has been involved with interprofessional learning or working, within the community.

Team Award prize: Certificate of achievement and £600, Student Award prize: Certificate of achievement and £150

Apply here


Surgery section: MIA Prize

Deadline: Sunday 22 September 2024

Open to: Surgical trainees, pre-doctoral surgical researchers and students. 

Apply here


Surgery Section: Adrian Tanner Prize

Deadline: Sunday 22 September 2024  

Open to: All surgical trainees and foundation doctors (Medical students should apply for the John Dawson prize)

Apply here


Surgery Section: John Dawson Medical Student Prize

Deadline: Sunday 22 September 2024 

Open to: Medical students (Qualified doctors should apply for the Adrian Tanner Prize)

Apply here

Vascular, Lipid & Metabolic Medicine

The Harvey prize

Submission deadline: Thursday 15 August 2024

Open to: Trainees and students

Oral presentation prize: £150 plus one year's RSM membership

Poster presentation prize: £100

Apply here


"It’s a great privilege for our team to have been recognised by this prestigious award from the RSM Surgery Section and reflects the dedicated work behind this exciting innovation."

See more from prizes and awards or hear from previous prize winners.