Eligible members can now vote for the next President of the Royal Society of Medicine and three new Trustees, including one Trainee Trustee.
Voting for all three elections opened on Tuesday 2 May 2023 and closes at 12 noon on Friday 23 June 2023.
The successful candidate in the Presidential election will become President-Elect on 1 October 2023 and take over as President from 30 July 2024, when Professor Roger Kirby, the current President, completes his term of office.
This is the first time that the next RSM President will be chosen by the membership. Recent elections have been decided by a vote of Trustees.
The candidates to be the next RSM President are:
All four candidates recently took part in a special Q&A session, where they addressed questions raised by members. We emailed a recording of the session to all members, so check your inbox if you missed it. If you have lost the email, please contact membership@rsm.ac.uk.
Running concurrently are elections for a Trainee Trustee and two other Trustees to join the RSM Council from 1 October 2023.
The candidates for the Trustee election (two posts) are:
The candidates for the Trainee Trustee election are:
Information about all election candidates has been sent to all members eligible to vote.
All three elections are being coordinated by an independent organisation, UK Engage, which follows the strict guidelines of the Market Research Society on maintaining confidentiality. All voting papers, both paper and electronic, will be directed to UK Engage for independent scrutinising. The voting papers will not at any point be seen by the RSM. UK Engage will destroy all voting papers after 12 months.