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Get involved

There are many ways you can get involved with the work of the RSM.

The Royal Society of Medicine is a charity. Independent and apolitical, we aim to be a leading provider of high-quality continuing postgraduate education and learning to the medical profession and the wider healthcare teams.

This work would not be possible without our dedicated team of volunteers. There are many ways you can get involved with the work of the RSM.

Ways to get involved

RSM Interior - Marcus Beck Library

Join a Section Council

If you are an RSM member, you can join a Section Council within your specialty and shape the future of our education programme.

Join a Section Council
JRSM Magazines

Contribute to JRSM & JRSM Open

If you are looking to publish research or an article, you can submit your manuscript to JRSM or JRSM Open for consideration.

JRSM and JRSM Open
Library - rare books

Become a Friend of the Library

Become a Friend of the Library and help fund our conservation programme so that we can ensure the ongoing preservation of the RSM's Library collection.

Become a friend of the Library

Apply for a prize

Prize winner getting certificate

For students

The RSM has a number of awards and prizes aimed specifically at students. Submit an application and get the opportunity to present at an RSM meeting as well as add to your CV.

For students
Prize winner with award

For trainees

There are over 70 prizes available for trainees, worth a total of around £60,000. 

For trainees
Travel grants promo

Travel grants and bursaries

We have a number of travel grants and bursary places available to RSM events to help fund your studies and electives.

Travel grants and bursaries

Join the RSM


For working doctors and consultants (FY1 to ST8), retired doctors, and those holding senior management positions in medicine or healthcare.



For scientists and other professionals with a proven interest (or role) in the healthcare sector, but who do not hold a medical qualification.



For those studying medicine, dentistry or another healthcare-related subject, who are on their way to becoming a qualified medical or healthcare professional.

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