About this event

  • Date and time Thu 12 Jun 2025 from 8:00am to 13 Jun 2025 at 5:30pm
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine
  • Organised by Venous Forum

The annual Venous Forum conference is the premier UK meeting devoted to venous disease. It provides an opportunity for all those interested in venous disease to meet together, including vascular surgeons, vascular nurses, clinical scientists, sclerotherapists, and others. 

We will focus on clinical issues, with comprehensive coverage in talks by well-known experts on venous ulcers, swollen legs, lymphoedema, sclerotherapy, superficial and deep venous thrombosis, and the management of deep vein problems. The programme includes a session on trial and evidence updates and a lecture by Professor Ian Chetter (VSGBI President) on developing and running a successful venous academic unit.

As always, there is a strong offering for trainees, with free registration available, and a morning of workshops on 12 June 2025, which have received praise from attendees in previous years. The sessions for trainees to present their research work provide an opportunity to win prizes, and there are also opportunities for discussion about optimising training in the management of venous disease.

The meeting aims to educate participants on the management of venous disease with the latest updates, a chance to express their views, and food for thought on how we can deliver the very best care to people with venous disease. Enjoy 20% off when you register to attend both days.

The Venous Forum: Annual Meeting Prize will also be presented and awarded at the conference. Click here to submit your abstract.

*Abstracts are invited on the whole range of superficial and deep venous disease, including venous thrombosis and malformations, and on lymphatic disease. Please get in touch with us if you wish to ask whether your proposed submission is within scope.


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We would like to thank our Platinum Sponsor Essity and our sponsors Frontmed, LSO Medical, Medi, Penumbra and STD Pharmaceutical for their support of this meeting. Please note that none of the companies listed has had any influence or involvement over the agenda, content or organisation of this meeting.


Early Bird pricing available until 30 April 2025.

If you are a trainee, please email the Section inbox venous@rsm.ac.uk with your trainee number and place of work to secure your free spot. Please note that these are on a first come first serve basis.


RSM Fellow
Day 1 Day 2
£77.00 Day 1
£77.00 Day 2
RSM Associate
Day 1 Day 2
£46.00 Day 1
£46.00 Day 2
RSM Retired Fellow
Day 1 Day 2
£46.00 Day 1
£46.00 Day 2
RSM Trainee
Day 1 Day 2
£46.00 Day 1
£46.00 Day 2
RSM Student
Day 1 Day 2
£24.00 Day 1
£24.00 Day 2

Non - Member

Consultant / GP / SAS Doctors
Day 1 Day 2
£141.00 Day 1
£141.00 Day 2
AHP / Nurse / Midwife
Day 1 Day 2
£84.00 Day 1
£84.00 Day 2
Day 1 Day 2
£84.00 Day 1
£84.00 Day 2
Day 1 Day 2
£44.00 Day 1
£44.00 Day 2


View the programme - Day 1 12 June 2025

Registration, tea and coffee
Welcome and introduction

Workshops and multidisciplinary training


1.Wound care compression and dressing station including NWCSP

Mrs Jane Todhunter and Dr Leanne Atkin

2.Management compression of patients when ABPIs incompressible e.g, heart failure, diabetes

Mr Tristan Lane and Sarah Onida


Thrombectomy for acute ilioemoral deep vein thrombosis

Dr Nariyanan Thulasidasan, Mr Sandip Nandra

Intravascular ultrasound and deep venous stenting

Mr Manj Gohel, Dr Andy Wigham, Emma Wilton


Superficial venous treatment - thermal ablation

Dan Carradice, Zola Mzimba, James Scurr and Isaac Nyameke

Superficial venous treatment - non-thermal varicose vein treatments

Lily Benton, Alun Davies, Ian Franklin, Sophie Renton and Bruce Campbell

Ultrasound and ultrasound guided puncture in conjunction with college and society for clinical vascular science

Mary Ellis, Emma Waldegrave, Kamran Modaresi President of CSVS , Ms Kaji Srivanathan, Huw Davies

Tea and coffee break
Stations continued

Sessions in collaboration with the society of vascular nurses

Welcome by the president
Update on compression in combined arterial and venous disease

Dr Leanne Atkin, Vascular Nurse Consultant Mid Yorkshire, Teaching NHS Trust

Medicines and dressings for venous ulcers

Jayne Todhunter, SVN President, North Cumbria Integrated Care Trust

Treating the sub-ulcer venous plexus

Mr Manj Gohel, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals

Pain in venous leg ulcers

Layla Bolton, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow, Vascular Clinical Nurse Specialist Imperial College NHS Trust

Information and education for patients with venous leg ulcers

Victoria Bristow, Vascular Specialist Nurse, Cambridge University Hospital

Involving a dermatologist: other diagnoses to consider

Dr Suchitra Chinthapalli

The swollen leg

Chairs: Jane Todhunter and Tristan Lane

Differential diagnosis and investigation of swollen legs

Dr Bernard Ho, Consultant in Dermatology and Lymphovascular Medicine, St George's University Hospitals

Cardiac failure and compression

Dr Leanne Atkin, Vascular Nurse Consultant, Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust

Lymphoedema management

Rebecca Elwell, Director of National Clinical Services, Accelerate CIC

Tea and coffee break

British association of sclerotherapists session

Content to be decided by British association of sclerotherapists

College and society for clinical vascular science

Who is best placed to perform vascular ultrasound scans?

Kamran Modaresi

Is three point compression enough to diagnose DVT? Dangers and pitfalls

Vikki Galgerud

Endovenous treatment performed by FCVS

Lee Smith

Vascular Scientists – a forgotten profession?

Emma Flint  

Close of meeting
View the programme - Day 2 13 June 2025

Registration, tea and coffee

Superficial venous thrombosis

Chairs: Huw Davies and Baris Ozdemir

Pathophysiology – why SVT occurs

Lewis Meecham

The risk of DVT and its progression

David Lewis

Management pathway for SVT, including guidelines

Manj Gohel

What next after the acute episode? Long-term management after SVT

Daniel Carradice

Panel discussion
Presentation of abstracts

Chairs: Hayley Moore and Sandip Nandhra

To be filled with submitted abstracts

Tea and coffee break
Current issues in venous practice and services in Australasia

Dr Lisa Marks, President of the Australasian College of Phlebology

Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis

Chair: Zola Mzimba

The role of compression stockings

Mr Chung Sim Lim, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust 

Are IVC filters still relevant?

Dr John Reicher

Deep venous disease

Chair: Emma Wilton and Sarah Onida

Acute lower limb DVT

Emma Wilton

Phlegmasia – recognition and management

Sandip Nandra

Chronic lower limb DVT

Hayley Moore

Pregnancy, and pregnancy with a venous stent

Dr Karen Breen

Panel discussion
Problem cases, tips and tricks, in deep venous disease

Steve Black

Lunch break

Unusual DVTs

Chairs: Emma Wilton and Sarah Nduwayo

Upper limb DVT

Mr Craig Nesbitt

Miscellaneous unusual DVTs and their management

Taha Khan

Trial and evidence updates

Chairs: Tristan Lane and Taha Khan



Daniel Carradice


Ian Chetter


Rosalind Way


Manj Gohel


Matt Machin


Professor Alun Davies

Future Ulcer Trials

Sarah Onida 

Panel Discussion

Venous forum lecture

Developing and running a successful venous academic unit

Professor Ian Chetter

Prize presentation
Future plans
Closing remarks
Close of meeting


Penumbra Logo 2025


Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom


Registration for this event will close at 1:00 am on Wednesday 11 June 2025. Late registrations will not be accepted.

The agenda is subject to change at any time

If the event is recorded, we are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event, this is at the presenter’s and RSM’s discretion.

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations.

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in the future on various Internet channels.

Domus - reception

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RSM members enjoy access to our enviable club facilities. For more information, please contact our team at domus@rsm.ac.uk or restaurant@rsm.ac.uk.

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