About this event

  • Date and time Thu 13 Jun 2024 from 8:00am to 14 Jun 2024 at 4:00pm
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine
  • Organised by Venous Forum

Join us for our annual RSM Venous Forum meeting, the primary UK conference focusing on the multidisciplinary treatment of patients with venous disease, across different healthcare settings. In a stretched and under-resourced NHS the management of patients with venous disease continues to be seen as a low priority, with long waits for assessment and treatment. However, chronic venous disease is increasing in prevalence and is a major cause of patient distress and quality of life impairment. Modern venous treatments are minimally invasive and cost-effective (or even cost-saving) and fully supported by NICE.

The meeting will provide interactive case discussions, include hands-on practical training and focus on supporting the entire multidisciplinary team to provide optimal clinical pathways and patient-centred, evidence-based care in venous disease.

The Venous Forum: Annual Meeting Prize will also be presented and awarded at the meeting. 

By attending the meeting, you will

  • Participate in a ‘hands-on’ practical workshops for procedural skills in superficial and deep venous management. 
  • Find out more about multidisciplinary clinical decision making through case discussions and interactive clinical sessions. 
  • Learn about the latest national initiatives relevant to the care of patients with venous disease. 
  • Learn about effective service models for delivering venous care, and to encourage local implementation of effective care systems. 
  • Understand the potential roles for vascular nurses, vascular scientists and other non-medical team members in delivering care to patients with venous disease. 
  • Gain an update on latest perspectives in deep and superficial venous care. 

The primary aim of the meeting is to provide participants with practical training in multiple venous interventions, an update on the current, relevant topics in venous disease. Empower teams to develop venous services, promote practical training and offer guidance on optimising models of care. 


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We would like to thank our Platinum Sponsor Medtronic and our sponsors BD, Essity, Frontmed, Inari Medical, Kora Healthcare, LSO Medical, Medi, Penumbra, Philips and STD Pharmaceutical for their support of this meeting. This programme has also been supported by Gore in the form of an educational grant. Please note that none of the companies listed has had any influence or involvement over the agenda, content or organisation of this meeting.


View the programme 13 June 2024

Registration, tea and coffee
Welcome and introduction

Mr Manj Gohel, President, Venous Forum, Royal Society of Medicine

Workshops and multidisciplinary training

Registered participants will be randomly allocated 4 out of 5 workshops

Max Rayne Auditorium

1. Acute DVT - Case based discussion (25 minutes)

Mr Sandip Nandra, Senior Clinical Fellow and Honorary Consultant, Northern Vascular Centre, Freeman Hospital

2. Lymphodema vs Lipodema - Case based discussion (25 minutes)

Dr Kristiana Gordon, Consultant in Dermatology and Lymphovascular Medicine, St George's Hospital


Management of Acute DVT

Part A (25 minutes):

1. Mechanical thrombectomy - Indigo Aspiration System and Aspirex

Miss Emma Wilton, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

2. FlowTriever (wet model) and ClotTriever Thromectomy System

Mr Adam Gwozdz, Clinical Lecturer in Vascular Surgery, Imperial College London

Part B (25 minutes):

1. Imaging workshop for Chronic DVT intervention

Dr Narayanan Thulasidasan, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Trust, London

2. Use of IVUS for treatment Ileofemoral DVT

Mr Stephen Black, Consultant Vascular Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Vascular Surgery, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital

3. Deep venous stenting simulator and stent design

Mr Prakash Saha, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Trust, London

Training Suite

Choice of 2 stations (25 minutes each):

A. Ultra-guided Foam Sclerotherapy

Mr Philip Coleridge Smith, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, British Vein Institute

B. Microsclerotherapy

Mr Zola Mzimba, Consultant Surgeon, Western Health and Social Care Trust

C. Hand-held doppler assessment and compression therapy

Ms Victoria Bristow, Vascular Specialist Nurse, Cambridge University Hospitals and Professor Bruce Campbell, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Exeter Medical

D. Ultrasound guided cannulation

Mr James Scurr, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Liverpool Vascular and Endovascular Service

Seminar Suite

Truncal ablation and cannulation (50 minutes)

Part A:

1. Introduction to VNUS device

Mr Andrew Busuttil, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Addenbrookes Hospital

2.Introduction to Venclose

BD Industry Representative

Part B: 

1. Introduction to Laser

Dr Hayley Moore, Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

2. Introduction to Lumeseal - 1470 laser

LSO Medical Representative

Part C: Endovenous perforator ablation

Mr Dominic Dodd, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Vasacare Limited

Part D: Cyanoacrylate glue closure

Mr Tristan Lane, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Cambridge Vascular Unit

ENT room

(50 minute workshop)

1. Ambulatory phlebectomy - How I do it

Mr Patrick Lintott, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

2. Varicose veins intervention decision-making - Case based discussion

Mr Huw Davies, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, University Hospital Wales

3. Pelvic vein incompetence - Case based discussion including classification and workup

Dr Lakshmi Ratnam, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, St George's University Hospital

4. Basic Venous Ultrasound

Mr Alastair Lewis, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Craigavon Area Hospital

Tea and coffee break
Stations continued

Training and competence in venous practice

Chairs: Mr Andrew Nickinson, ST8 Vascular Surgery, University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust, President, Rouleaux Club and Miss Kaji Sritharan, Consultant Vascular Surgeon & Honorary Secretary, Venous Forum, Royal Society of Medicine

Why is UK venous training consistently reported as poor?

Mr Andrew Nickinson

A trainee perspective on how venous training can be improved

Miss Sarah Nduwayo, Vascular surgery registrar, Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust and Venous Representative, Rouleaux Club

Summary of local, national and international training opportunities in venous disease

Mr Manj Gohel

What are the challenges with the venous components of the 2023 Vascular Surgery curriculum?

Mr Harj Rayt

Delivering venous services in a broken NHS

Chairs: Mr Isaac Nyamekye, Mr Ian Franklin, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, London Vascular Clinic and Immediate Past President, Venous Forum, Royal Society of Medicine

Can superficial venous treatments in the NHS be justified, in the absence of significant complications?

Mr Dan Carradice, Senior Lecturer in Vascular Surgery, Hull York Medical School, Honorary Consultant Vascular and Associate Chief Medical Officer, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 

‘Outsourcing’ and ‘insourcing’ of venous NHS services: a justifiable option?

Professor Gerry Patrick Stansby, Professor of Vascular Surgery, Newcastle University

Update on FIPO activity in supporting independent medical practitioners

Mr Richard Packard

What is the ideal team to deliver a venous service in 2024?

Professor Bruce Campbell, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Exeter Medical

Tea and coffee break

Venous Forum Annual Meeting Prize abstract session

Chairs: Mr Dan Carradice, Mr Sandip Nandhra and Dr Hayley Moore

1. The provision of services for patients with venous ulceration in england

Miss Layla Bolton Saghdaoui, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow and Vascular Nurse Specialist,  Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

2. Comparison of varithena (polidocanol endovenous microfoam) to physician-compounded foam for the treatment of truncal varices: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Dr Runzhi Chen, Academic Foundation Year 2 Doctor, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

3. Long term impact of clinical recurrence on quality of life following treatment of varicose veins

Ms Annabel Howitt, Clinical Fellow Vascular Surgery, Hull University Teaching Hospitals 

4. Patterns of recurrence in recurrent varices after surgery (revas): a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Mr Konstantinos Kavallieros, Medical Student , Imperial College London

5. Venous thromboembolism risk assessment: are clinicians complying?

Ms Sarrah Peerbux, Clinical Trial Manager, Department of Academic Vascular Surgery, Imperial College London

6. Intraoperative metabolomic profiling of venous leg ulcer during hydrosurgical debridement using rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry (reims)

Mr Kanin Pruekprasert, Clinical Research Fellow, Imperial College London

7. Thermal imaging as a diagnostic tool for superficial venous insufficiency - a systematic review

Dr Marwah Salih, Clinical Research Fellow, Department of Vascular Surgery, Imperial College London

8. Decellularised dermis allograft for the treatment of chronic venous leg ulceration - the dave randomised clinical trial

Mr Matthew Tan, Clinical Research Fellow, Imperial College London

Venous debate

Chair: Mr Manj Gohel

Phlebology should be recognised as a separate speciality in the UK

For: Mr Tristan Lane, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Cambridge Vascular Unit

AgainstDr Hayley Moore, Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

Close of Day 1 meeting

Drinks reception

View the programme 14 June 2024

Registration, tea and coffee
Welcome and introduction to day 2

Mr Manj Gohel

Private practice and aesthetic phlebology

Chairs: Mr Stephen Black, Consultant Vascular Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Vascular Surgery, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital and Mr Manj Gohel

Reimbursement, fees and other arcana of private venous practice

Professor Bruce Campbell

Should foam sclerotherapy be the primary treatment modality for varicose vein treatment: perspectives from the CLASS trial

Professor Julie Brittenden, Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of Glasgow

Advice I would give to a junior Consultant considering private practice

Mr Ian Franklin

How to ensure optimal patient experience during the varicose vein treatment journey

Ms Vanessa Livingstone, Director of Nursing and Clinical Services, UK Vein Clinic 

Joint session with British Association of Sclerotherapy

Chairs: Mr Philip Coleridge Smith and Mr Zola Mzimba

Are the safety concerns after foam sclerotherapy in France justified?

Dr Gilles Gachet, Vascular Medical Doctor, Voironmedvasc

Foam v liquid sclerotherapy for telangiectasia – the evidence

Mr Richard Oliver

How I do it: finding reticular feeders visually, near IR systems, ultrasound guidance

Mr Philip Coleridge Smith

Better training in sclerotherapy

Mr Zola Sipo Mzimba, Consultant Surgeon, Western Health and Social Care Trust

Tea and coffee break

National initiatives to promote venous disease

Chairs: Professor Bruce Campbell and Professor Julie Brittenden

Working with the Vascular Society of Great Britain & Ireland to promote the care of venous disease

Mr Andrew Garnham, Consultant Surgeon, Black Country Vascular Unit

National Consultant Information Programme (NCIP) update and national benchmarking for venous procedures

Mr Jonathan Boyle, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals, NHS Trust

Can the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) process highlight deficiencies in venous provision and promote positive change?

Ms Rachel Bell, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Freeman Hospital

Role of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) in promoting venous care - Update on recent activities and reports

Mr Roger Greer, Associate Director, PLMR Healthcomms and Secretariat, The All Party Parliamentary Group on Vascular and Venous Disease

Deep venous interventions in acute and chronic disease

Chairs: Miss Emma Wilton and Mr James Scurr

Acute Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – patient selection and how to optimise technical outcomes

Miss Emma Wilton

“Real-world” incorporation of deep venous interventions in the NHS setting

Mr Sandip Nandhra

Centralisation of deep venous procedures – Is there appetite or capacity?

Mr Stephen Black

Panel discussion

Joint session with Society of Vascular Nurses: The vascular nurse specialist - Key to delivering evidence-based practise for patients with venous ulcers

Joint session with The Society of Vascular Nurses (SVN)

Chairs: Mr Manj Gohel and Ms Jane Todhunter, Lead Vascular Nurse Practitioner, North Cumbria Integrated Care Trust 

The current challenges

Ms Jane Todhunter

Evidence based treatment

Ms Victoria Bristow, Vascular Specialist Nurse, Cambridge University Hospitals  

Sustainable delivery of venous services

Mr Ben Cooper, Vascular Nurse Consultant, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

Recruitment and retention of Vascular Nurse Specialists

Ms Leanne Atkin, Vascular Nurse Consultant, Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield  

Tea and coffee break

Interactive case discussions

Interactive case-based discussions covering challenging and controversial topics in venous disease. A multidisciplinary panel of experts will contribute to the discussion

Chair: Mr Gerry Stansby

Interactive case discussions

Panel: Mr Huw Davies, Mr Dan Carradice, Ms Jane Todhunter, Ms Leanne Atkin

Case presenters: Various speakers

Venous quiz
Prizes and closing remarks
Close of meeting


Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom


Venous Forum: Annual Meeting Prize 

Submission deadline: Thursday 17 April 2025

Open to: Medical students and trainees

Prize: Oral: 1st: £500; 2nd: £300; 3rd: Poster: £200, Student Presentation Price: £100

Apply here



Registration for this event will close at 1:00am on Wednesday 12 June 2024. Late registrations will not be accepted.

The agenda is subject to change at any time

If the event is recorded, we are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event, this is at the presenter’s and RSM’s discretion.

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations.

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in future on various internet channels.

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