About this event

  • Date and time Fri 31 Mar 2023 from 9:00am to 10:00pm
  • Location Online
  • Organised by Urology

This podcast is available to purchase until 31st March 2024 by clicking 'book'.

The roles of urological trainees and consultants are becoming increasingly multi-faceted and trained clinicians are often called upon to lead in unfamiliar situations. 

This pre-recorded lecture series brings together speakers from leadership roles across local and national settings to share their experiences. During the podcast, considerations in work force planning, hospital and national management, strategic planning and how to action personal objectives will be discussed. 

Learning objectives include: 

  • To understand the structure and strategy of the NHS, including relevant issues 
  • To understand how current leaders have developed in their respective positions
  • To understand the techniques required to become effective leaders of the future


This podcast is available for on-demand listening.

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Key speakers

Dr Steve Payne

Dr Steve Payne

BAUS Workforce Lead, Retired Consultant Urologist, Visiting Professor in Psychology, Bournemouth University

Speaker's biography

Steve Payne was trained in London and Wessex, became a Consultant at Manchester Royal Infirmary in 1988, and retired in 2017. He had andrological and reconstructive urological interests and a strong commitment to medical education, particularly assessment.


He was Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations Chair of the FRCS(Urol) and JSCFE and continues to quality assure exams internationally. Steve is also an external examiner for the Salford Urology MSc course and chairs numerous Data Monitoring Committees for NIHR trials.


Since retirement, Steve has had many other roles. He was Associate Editor of the Professionalism and Patient Safety sections of BJUI Knowledge, recently editing their ebook Being the best doctor you can; he has co-edited the impending 2nd edition of Imaging and Technology in Urology, due out in April 2023. He is Visiting Professor in the Department of Psychology at Bournemouth University, with a research interest in the ageing surgeon which, together with his interest in data analysis, led to his appointment as BAUS Workforce Lead.


Steve travels widely with Urolink, helping train surgeons in sub-Saharan Africa, and has published extensively on his career’s non-technical experiences in the hope they won’t be wasted!

Dr Freddie Banks

Dr Freddie Banks

Consultant and Paediatric Urologist, West Herts Teaching Hospitals Trust 

Speaker's biography

Freddie is a Consultant and Paediatric Urologist based at West Herts Teaching Hospitals Trust. He was appointed to West Herts in 2008 having completed an SpR training programme in North West London. He completed an MD at UCLH/Royal Free and prior to this was on the St Mary’s Basic Surgical rotation.


Freddie has a specialist interest in Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) surgery. He also has a genuine paediatric interest with a particular emphasis on hypospadias surgery.


Freddie was appointed as Associate Medical Director for Clinical Strategy in 2016. This was a role predominantly involved with the New Hospital redevelopment and involves overseeing the key clinical strategy and integration of services.

Duncan Burton

Mr Duncan Burton

Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, NHS England

Speaker's biography

Duncan was appointed as Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for England in April 2021 and his portfolio includes IPC, Maternity, Children and Young People and Nursing Workforce.


Duncan held two Director of Nursing roles, at Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and then Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust before his appointment as Regional Chief Nurse, South East England, and Director of International Nurse Recruitment for NHS England/Improvement.

Prior to joining Kingston Hospital, Duncan was Deputy Chief Nurse at University College London Hospitals (UCLH), having held a number of posts at UCLH including Charge Nurse within the acute admissions unit, Modern Matron for Infection & Pathology, Divisional Senior Nurse for Emergency Services and Head of Nursing for Medicine. He has also worked in respiratory medicine and neurology at the Royal United Hospital, Bath and trained to be a nurse at the University of Wales, Swansea.

Duncan holds a Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) degree and a master’s degree in Healthcare Practice.



The agenda is subject to change at any time 

If the event is recorded, we are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event, this is at the presenters and RSM's discretion. 

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations. 

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in future on various internet channels. 

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