About this event

  • Date and time Thu 26 Jun 2025 from 8:45am to 27 Jun 2025 at 5:00pm
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine
  • Organised by Radiology, British Society of Head and Neck Imaging

The BSHNI Annual Meeting brings together faculty and delegates from around the world interested in Head & Neck imaging and it is one of the largest meetings at the Royal Society of Medicine. This conference aims to promote the practice of Head & Neck (H&N) Imaging through education, research and networking of national and international colleagues interested in H&N imaging. Don't miss our dinner after day 1 of the conference.

Our expert interdisciplinary faculty of radiologists and clinicians promote a shared understanding of current and emerging diagnostic techniques in the broader context of clinical decision-making, evidenced by the attendance of radiologists, dentists, ENT and Maxillofacial surgeons, radiographers, nurses and medical students.

Special offer: Get a 20% discount when attending 2 or more days across this event and the 25th International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Congress (Tuesday 24 June to Wednesday 25 June 2025).

By attending, you will learn:

  • Up-to-date knowledge of sinonasal and deep neck space infections
  • The role, value, and limitations of imaging in the multi-disciplinary management of oral cavity cancer and in evaluating causes of facial pain
  • The role of cross-sectional imaging in guiding the management of anterior, middle, & posterior skull base diseases
  • About imaging in the Head & Neck tumour board, including new directions in H&N cancer imaging, the emerging role of AI technologies, and rational approaches to evaluating referrals for suspected cancer

Each day is worth 6 CPD points.

Interested in applying for the BSHNI call for abstracts?

Submission deadline: Sunday 27 April 2025

Open to: All delegates including Consultants, Resident Doctors, Allied Health Professionals & Medical Students

First prize: £500, Second prize: £125 (awarded twice)

Apply here

Follow us on: 


We would like to thank our sponsors 4ways Healthcare, BVM Medical, Hexarad, inomed, Medica, Medray Group, Planmeca, Terumo UK Ltd and TMC for their support of this meeting. Please note that the main scientific programme and content has not been influenced in any way by the sponsors.


Early Bird pricing available until 31 May 2025.

Save 20% when you attend two or more days!

Enjoy 20% off when you attend two or more days across our events: 25th International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Congress (Tuesday 24 – Wednesday 25 June 2025) and Head & Neck Imaging 2025: Annual meeting of BSHNI and RSM (Thursday 26 – Friday 27 June 2025). *Discount auto-applies when booking 2 days of each event. Mixing days across both events? Email events@rsm.ac.uk to receive your exclusive discount code.

BSHNI and IADMFR members enjoy the same rates as RSM members. These rates are listed under the non-member pricing.


RSM Fellow
Day 1 Day 2
£77.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£77.00 Day 2
RSM Associate
Day 1 Day 2
£46.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£46.00 Day 2
RSM Retired Fellow
Day 1 Day 2
£46.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£46.00 Day 2
RSM Trainee
Day 1 Day 2
£46.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£46.00 Day 2
RSM Student
Day 1 Day 2
£24.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£24.00 Day 2

Non - Member

Consultant / GP / SAS Doctors
Day 1 Day 2
£141.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£141.00 Day 2
AHP / Nurse / Midwife
Day 1 Day 2
£84.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£84.00 Day 2
Day 1 Day 2
£84.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£84.00 Day 2
BSHNI Member
Day 1 Day 2
£77.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£77.00 Day 2
Day 1 Day 2
£77.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£77.00 Day 2
BSHNI Trainee
Day 1 Day 2
£46.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£46.00 Day 2
Day 1 Day 2
£44.00 Day 1
£58.00 3 course conference dinner at RSM
£44.00 Day 2

Key speakers

Professor Phil Chapman

Professor Philip R Chapman

Professor of Neuroradiology 
Director of Head & Neck Imaging 
Duke University 
Durham, North Carolina, USA 

Professor Jussi Hirvonen

Professor Jussi Hirvonen

Professor & Chief of Radiology 
Tampere University 

Dr Mohit Agarwal

Dr Mohit Agarwal

Associate Professor of Neuroradiology 
Director Neuroradiology Fellowship 
Medical College of Wisconsin 
Milwaukee, USA 


View the programme - Thursday 26 June 2025

Registration, tea and coffee

Dr Ravi Lingam, BSHNI President

Session 1 - Sinonasal imaging

Chair: Dr Rose Ngu, Consultant Radiologist, London and Dr Eric Woo, Consultant Radiologist, Aylesbury

Essential sinonasal anatomy

Dr Tilak Das, Consultant Radiologist,  Cambridge

Imaging uncomplicated rhinosinusitis: Indications and report structure

Dr Neshe Sriskandan, Consultant Radiologist, London

Complicated Rhinosinusitis

Professor Phil Chapman, Consultant Radiologist, Durham, North Carolina, USA

Tea and coffee break

Session 2 - Philip Anslow commemorative lecture

Chair: Dr Ravi Lingam, BSHNI President, London


Dr Ravi Lingam, Consultant Radiologist, London

Imaging and reporting transpatial deep neck space infections: How do i approach this?

Professor Jussi Hirvonen, Consultant Radiologist, Tampere, Finland


BSHNI oral presentations

Dr Reena Dwivedi, Consultant Radiologist, Edinburgh and Dr Liddy Ellis, Consultant Radiologist, Cardiff

Oral presenter 1
Oral presenter 2
Oral presenter 3
Oral presenter 4
Oral presenter 5
Oral presenter 6

Session 3 - Multidisciplinary session: Oral cavity cancer

Chair: Dr Chris Greenall, Consultant Radiologist, Llantrisant

Clinically relevant oral cavity anatomy

Dr Ayesha Khatib, Consultant Radiologist, Cardiff

Imaging of oral cavity cancer

Dr Rhian Rhys, Consultant Radiologist, Llantrisant

Surgical approaches, considerations and complications

Mr Cellan Thomas, Consultant Oromaxillofacial Surgeon, Cardiff

Panel discussion
Tea and coffee break

Session 4 - Imaging facial pain

Chair: Dr Jagrit Shah, Consultant Radiologist, Nottingham

Imaging for neurological causes of facial pain

Dr Tom Campion, Consultant Radiologist, London

Imaging of temporomandibular joint pain: Indications, anatomy & pathology

Dr Mohamed El-Belihy, Consultant Radiologist, East Grinstead

Facial pain: Case based discussion

Dr Adrian Tang, Consultant Radiologist, Manchester and Dr Lee Feinberg, Consultant Radiologist, London

End of day 1

BSHNI annual general meeting

For BSHNI members only

RSM Finzi prize presentations

Prize presenter 1
Prize presenter 2
Prize presenter 3
Prize presenter 4
Prize presenter 5
Prize presenter 6

Conference dinner

Pre-registered delegates only

View the programme - Friday 27 June 2025

Registration, tea and coffee

Dr Ravi Lingam, Consultant Radiologist, London

Travel bursary winner presentation

Brandon Owen, Specialty Registrar, Leeds

ASHNR- BSHNI visiting professor presentation

Dr Gitta Madani, Consultant Radiologist, London

Session 5 - BSHNI professor session: Skull base anatomy and key pathologies

Chair: Dr Tim Beale, Consultant Radiologist, London

Anterior skull base

Dr Gitta Madani, Consultant Radiologist, London

Middle skull base

Dr Mohit Agarwal, Consultant Radiologist, Milwaukee, USA

Posterior skull base including petrous apex

Dr Ata Siddiqui, Consultant Radiologist, London

Tea and coffee break

Session 6 - Peter Phelps commemorative lecture

Chair: Dr Ram Vaidhyanath, BSHNI Vice President & President Elect


Dr Ram Vaidhyanath, Consultant Radiologist, Leicester

500 multidisciplinary tumour boards later: Lessons from the frontline

Professor Phil Chapman, Consultant Radiologist, Durham, North Carolina, USA


BSHNI oral presentations

Dr Reena Dwivedi, Consultant Radiologist, Edinburgh and Dr Liddy Ellis, Consultant Radiologist, Cardiff

Oral presenter 7
Oral presenter 8
Oral presenter 9
Oral presenter 10
Oral presenter 11

Session 7 - ESHNR at BSHNI : Challenges and new directions in head & neck cancer

Chair: Dr David Summers, Consultant Radiologist, Edinburgh

Imaging head & neck cancer after chemoradiotherapy

Dr Steve Connor, Consultant Radiologist, London

Artificial intelligence principles: Development of neural networks

Dr Salman Qureshi, Consultant Radiologist, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Artificial intelligence applications in head and neck cancer

Professor Jussi Hirvonen, Consultant Radiologist, Tampere, Finland

Panel discussion
Tea and coffee break
Announcement of oral presentation prize winners

Dr  Reena Dwivedi, Consultant Radiologist, Edinburgh and Dr Liddy Ellis, Consultant Radiologist, Cardiff

Session 8 - Neck lump ultrasound clinic

Chair: Dr Scott Rice, Consultant Radiologist, London

Neck lump ultrasound: To biopsy or not to biopsy?

Dr Alex Weller, Consultant Radiologist, London

One stop neck lump clinic model: Delivering service and value

Dr Andrew McQueen, Consultant Radiologist, Newcastle

Moving away from one stop clinic model

Dr Dominic St Leger, Consultant Radiologist, Manchester

Straight to test model: Another model to consider?

Dr Ram Vaidhyanath, Consultant Radiologist, Leicester

Panel discussion
Concluding remarks and close

Dr Ram Vaidhyanath, BSHNI Vice President & President Elect



Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom

Registration for this event will close on 25 June 2025.  Late registrations will not be accepted.

The agenda is subject to change at any time

If the event is recorded, we are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event, this is at the presenter’s and RSM’s discretion.

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations.

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in future on various internet channels.

Domus - reception

While you’re attending this event

Why not stay in the comfort of our hotel, Domus Medica, book dinner in the restaurant, or even hire one of our private dining rooms to socialise with your peers?

RSM members enjoy access to our enviable club facilities. For more information, please contact our team at domus@rsm.ac.uk or restaurant@rsm.ac.uk.

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