About this event

  • Date and time Wed 20 Nov 2024 from 8:50am to 5:20pm
  • Location Online
  • Organised by Paediatrics and Child Health, London School of Paediatrics

Join this event to delve into the theme, 'Child health inequalities in community paediatrics' and review common conditions so that you remain current with best practices in the field while also exploring emerging research. You'll receive relevant instruction aligned with the RCPCH Progress+ core syllabus for community paediatrics, understand health inequalities in community paediatrics and how these disparities impact the common issues we address in community child health, deepen your understanding of areas such as child development, safeguarding, autism, and more.

By attending, you will:

  • Know the factors that contribute to child health inequalities in community paediatrics
  • Refresh your knowledge and gain a greater understanding for paediatric trainees regarding important community paediatric topics such as autism, child development, safeguarding etc.
  • Learn about the emerging research in community paediatrics and current developments in genetics.

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Standard pricing available until 20 November 2024.


RSM Trainee

Non - Member

Trainee London School of Paediatrics
£55.00 £45.00


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Welcome and introduction

Dr Tamsin Gannon and Dr Abby Ananthavarathan, Paediatric Registrar, NCEL Trainee

Title to be confirmed

Speaker to be confirmed 

Child development

Dr Susan Ozer, Consultant Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician , East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Comfort break
Parent voice of child with autism

Sonya McCann

Genetics in child development

Dr Ioanna Tsigkouli, Senior Clinical Fellow, Evelina London Children's Hospital

Adoption in community paediatrics

Dr Stacy John-Legere, Consultant Community Paediatrician designated Doctor for Looked after Children, Evelina London Children's Hospital 

Insight into autism research

Dr Chirag Mehra, Postdoctoral Research Associate, King's College London NHS Foundation Trust 

GRID community paediatrics

Dr Ellie Day, Consultant Community Paediatrician Camden, Regional Community Child Health Lead, North London

Closing remarks
Close of meeting



Registration for this event will close at 7:50am on Wednesday 20 November 2024. Late registrations will not be accepted.

The agenda is subject to change at any time

If the event is recorded, we are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event, this is at the presenter’s and RSM’s discretion.

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations.