About this event

  • Date and time Tue 22 Oct 2024 from 9:00am to 5:10pm
  • Location Online
  • Organised by Paediatrics and Child Health, London School of Paediatrics

If you are a new paediatric registrant, you won't want to miss this event that has been designed to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills to manage complex paediatric patients effectively.

You can look forward to expert led discussions where you can engage with leading paediatric specialists who will present the most recent advancements in respiratory medicine and ENT. You will also have the opportunity to participate in interactive case discussions that address real-world scenarios and complex patient management strategies, and hear first hand presentations from paediatric registrars who have taken PRM (paediatric respiratory medicine) as a SPIN or GRID path.

By attending, you will:

  • Know about the recent advances in respiratory medicine and current best practice
  • Diagnose common as well as rare presentations of various respiratory illness
  • Inform about the scope of paediatric respiratory medicine as future career option

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Standard pricing available until 22 October 2024.


RSM Trainee

Non - Member

Trainee London School of Paediatrics
£55.00 £45.00


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Welcome and introduction


Dr Yashasvi Rajeev, Paediatric Trainee, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital , Clinical Research Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital and Deputy Editor of London Paediatrics, Journal of London School of Paediatrics

Dr Norrice Liu, Trainee, Royal Brompton Hospital and Academic Clinical Lecturer, Queen Mary Hospital

Dr Eleanor Bond, Consultant Paediatrician, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Training Programme Director, London School of Paediatrics, RCPCH LTFT Advisor North London

Radiology masterclass

Dr Tom Semple , Paediatric and Cardiothoracic Consultant Radiologist, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 

Chronic cough: What to do and when to refer?

Dr Rossa Brugha, Consultant in Respiratory team, and Clinical Impact Leader in Paediatric Lung Transplantation, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust 

Comfort break
Sleep apnoea and the use of NIV

Dr Katharine Harman, Paediatric Respiratory Medicine Consultant, Kings College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 

The role of environment and mould on asthma

Professor Ian Sinha, Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician and Honorary Professor of Paediatrics, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Trust, Liverpool

Empyema and its management

Dr Sormeh Salehian, Paediatric Respiratory Consultant, St Mary's Hospital and Royal Brompton Hospital

Vaping: The gathered storm

Professor Andy Bush, Consultant Paediatric Chest Physician, Royal Brompton Hospital and Professor of Paediatric Respirology, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London

Comfort break
PCD - upper and lower airway presentations

Professor Claire Hogg, Paediatric Respiratory Consultant, Co-director of Children's Services at Royal Brompton Hospital

Approach to exercise induced dyspnoea in children and young people

Dr Samantha Sonnappa, Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, at Royal Brompton Hospital London, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust 

Career panel

Dr Norrice Liu and Dr Anthony Kershaw, Paediatric Respiratory Registrar, Royal Brompton Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust 

Closing remarks
Close of meeting



Registration for this event will close at 7:00am on Tuesday 22 October 2024. Late registrations will not be accepted.

The agenda is subject to change at any time

If the event is recorded, we are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event, this is at the presenter’s and RSM’s discretion.

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations.