About this event

  • Date and time Mon 31 Mar 2025 from 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location Online
  • Organised by Otology

Watch the on-demand recording of our third ENT day for an update on the methods for maximising outcomes for our patients

Morning meeting

In the morning session we will first hear from the Chair of the TWJ Foundation and a recent recipient of a TWJ grant about the benefits of overseas fellowship experience and bringing new management philosophies back to the UK. Andrew Beynon-Phillips will describe the benefits of a unique regional complex otology forum for otologists offering increasingly diverse services at the local level. The patient benefits that this forum brings, the reassurance to both patient and surgeon knowing that a complex clinical problem has been widely discussed and a management consensus reached. Finally, the ongoing learning experience for all those involved.

We will hear about the different major European national ear audits and the impact they have had on improving patient outcome across a nation. The necessary steps required to role an audit out across a nation and the latest proposal for a UK national ear audit. James Tysome will inform the delegates about the latest NHSE changes to hearing implantation delivery across England. James is an integral member of the team devising these changes introduced to offer an equitable hearing implant service across England. The implications that these changes will have on all centres offering or hoping to offer a local hearing implant service within a strategic health authority. Not least the need to offer the most appropriate implant based on degree and type of hearing loss. We will hear from Codruta Neumann, an expert in managing chronic middle ear disease, about how to manage the chronically discharging cavity. She presents a unique and highly audit series of patients describing the evolution of her technique to improve long-term success. She focuses on the difficulties experienced and the impact those difficulties had on shaping her technique with the focus on a dry hearing ear.

After the break there will be a masterclass on the management of ear drum pathology starting with an overview of chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction from Matt Smith who is the pre-eminent clinical academic in this field. He will present his personal investigation and management algorithms that he follows to enable him to reach the correct diagnosis and most appropriate management plan.

We are fortunate to have a unique series of over 1000 patients following the management of ear drum perforation and retraction pockets. Giovanni Danesi is Europe’s most respected otologist and skull base surgeon, past president of the European Skull Base Society and President of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology. He will describe his technique for achieving remarkable success in this field. Pulling on his vast numbers, carefully audited to reveal his tips and tricks for selecting the best approach and materials to attain a healthy drum.

We will then hear about how to manage the most difficult of ear drum pathologies, myringitis. This relatively common complication of eardrum repair that frustrates all otologists and seems resistant to most treatments. Reshma Ghedia will present the management of a series of patients from the team based at Barts, London and will include insights into new medical treatments that offer hope of drying a chronically wet eardrum. Codruta Neuman will then hold all our experts to account, asking questions on areas that cause otologists most difficulty.

Finally, the morning session will finish with something completely different! Rowland White is an acclaimed and best-selling author. He has published extensively on military history and is publishing director for Michael Josephs Publishing. He has published works by Tom Clancy, Jeremy Clarkson, Clive Cussler and Andy McNab to name a few. He will give us his unique understanding of what it takes to publish a best seller and explain that there is indeed a book in us all waiting to be published.

Afternoon meeting

In the afternoon different approaches to improving outcomes will be considered. The impact of artificial intelligence on healthcare will be significant and Professor Ben MacArthur from the faculty of Medicine and the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton neuroscience will speak on this topic. He is leading on the Alan Turing Institute Grand Challenge on Health. His work will hopefully harness the potential of AI theory and technology in transforming health care for the UK. 

Miss Paula Coyle, Consultant Paediatric ENT surgeon from University College Hospital in London, will then launch the ENTelligence Collaborative. This aims to lead on responsible innovation, research and integration of AI solutions in ENT surgery across the UK.

Research trials are vital in providing the evidence for our interventions. Historically the quality of such projects has been variable. A great deal of effort has been put into changing this. Mr James O’Hara, Consultant ENT Surgeon at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle and Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University has been involved in NIHR funded RCTs looking at chronic throat symptoms, adult tonsillitis, nasal surgery and laser therapy during head and neck radiotherapy. He will present on what he has learnt from his experiences.

Professor Mahmood Bhutta is the inaugural chair of ENT at Brighton and Sussex medical schools and has a long held interest in sustainable healthcare. He has recently been involved at governmental level to take this forward alongside ENT-UK. He will address the session on his current work and reflect as to how improved outcomes can be delivered without further environmental damage.

The final talk by Mrs Mira deKruijf from Manchester Childrens hospital will address how to actually make a difference for one of the most disadvantaged group of patients, the multiply handicapped child with neurodisabilty.   

After the break Prof Guri Sandhu, Consultant ENT Surgeon at Charing Cross Hospital and Professor at Imperial College London, will moderate the Laryngology Update to continue the series over the academic year. Professor James Hull, Consultant Respiratory Physician from Royal Brompton Hospital London, will deliver the latest on chronic cough. Miss Natasha Quraishi, Specialty Trainee in ENT surgery from the Yorkshire Deanery, will speak on laryngeal leucoplakia and how best to manage it. Mr Declan Costello, current President of the British Laryngological Association and Consultant ENT surgeon at Wexham Park Hospital, who has a specialist interest in the management of the professional voice will talk on phonotrauma and finally Professor Justin Roe, Consultant Speech and Language Therapist at Imperial college London will cover muscle tension dysphagia.

By attending this event, you will learn:

  • How to set up a regional complex otology forum and the benefits that this holds 
  • The NHSE position on hearing implantation across England 
  • About major European ear audits and the benefits that they confer. An update on the current state of play regarding the UK ear audit 
  • To manage eardrum pathology to include European experts presenting their personal experiences that have led to incredible outcomes
  • A unique perspective on how to write and successfully publish a best-selling book from a best-selling author and publishing director
  • Speakers' personal experiences on how best to improve patient outcomes
  • Up-to-date topics from Laryngology

 Registered event participants will receive the link to the recording via email to watch on-demand for up to 60 days after the date of the event. 

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The Laryngology, Rhinology and Otology Sections would like to thank our Annual Sponsors B.Braun Medical Ltd, DP Medical Systems LTD, Medtronic and Soluvos Medical for their valued support of the 2024 to 2025 Academic Programme. We would also like to thank our sponsors Carleton Medical Ltd, KARL STORZ Endoscopy (UK) Ltd, Minim Healthcare LtdOticon MedicalSevern Healthcare and Stryker for supporting this meeting.
Please note that none of the companies listed has had any influence or involvement over the agenda, content or organisation of this meeting.


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Key speakers

Professor Giovanni Danesi

Director of ENT and Neuroscience, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo

Rowland White

Best-selling author and Publishing Director of Michael Josephs Publishing


View the programme 07 February 2025

Morning session: Otology

Registration, tea and coffee
Welcome and introduction, award of the Norman Gamble Prize and the Intercollegiate medal

Mr Patrick Axon, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

Award of the RSM Temporal Bone Competition winner

Mr Cillian Forde, Senior Clinical Fellow in Otology and Auditory Implantation, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

TWJ Foundation 50th anniversary - a superb resource for otology trainees past and future

Mr Martin Bailey, Executive Chairman, TWJ Foundation and Ms Carol Xie, Consultant Otologist, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Regional Complex Otology Clinical Forums - a route for supporting colleagues and enhancing patient cares - a route for supporting colleagues and enhancing patient care

Mr Andrew Beynon-Phillips, Consultant Otologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust

Explaining the NHSE position - future of hearing implantation in England

Professor James Tysome, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

Improving outcomes through national audit - what key lessons have we learned from The Swedish Quality Register for Ear Surgery

Dr Asa Bonnard, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Mastoid obliteration - technique and outcome

Ms Codruta Neumann, Consultant ENT Surgeon, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford and Kent and Canterbury Hospital

Tea and coffee break
Moderator of Masterclass 2: Managing tympanic membrane pathology

Ms Codruta Neumann, Consultant ENT Surgeon, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford and Kent and Canterbury Hospital

How I do it: Diagnosis and management of Eustachian tube dysfunction

Mr Matthew Smith, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

How I do it: Managing ear drum pathology

Professor Giovanni Danesi, Director of ENT and Neuroscience, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo

How I do it: Managing the myringitic ear drum

Ms Reshma Ghedia, ENT Specialty Trainee Year 8, North Thames Deanery

A proposal for a UK National Audit

Professor Simon Lloyd, Consultant Otologist and Skull Base Surgeon, Manchester, Professor of Otolaryngology, University of Manchester

Panel discussion

Ms Codruta Neumann, Consultant ENT Surgeon, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford and Kent and Canterbury Hospital

And now for something completely different - There is a book in all of us, my story to best selling author

Rowland White, Best-selling author and Publishing Director of Michael Josephs Publishing


Afternoon session: Laryngology and Rhinology

Welcome and introduction

Miss Michelle Wyatt, Consultant ENT surgeon, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust 

Artificial intelligence in healthcare

Professor Ben MacArthur, Professor of Quantitative Biomedicine, University of Southampton, and Programme Director, Alan Turing Institute

ENTelligence: A national collaborative for artificial intelligence in ENT

Miss Paula Coyle, Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon, University College Hospital London

Do clinical trials actually help patients?

Mr James O’Hara, Consultant ENT Surgeon, The Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University

Policy and practice for environmentally sustainable healthcare : Joining the dots

Professor Mahmood Bhutta, Consultant ENT Surgeon, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, Inaugural Chair of ENT and Professor of Sustainable Healthcare, Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Improving lives in the neuro-disabled child

Ms Mira de Kruijf, Consultant Paediatric Otolaryngologist, Manchester Children's Hospital

Tea and coffee break
Update in laryngology

Chair: Prof Guri Sandhu, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Charing Cross Hospital, and Professor, Imperial College London


Mr Declan Costello, President, British Laryngological Association, and Consultant ENT Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital - 'Phonotrauma'

Prof Justin Roe, Consultant Speech and Language Therapist, Imperial College London - 'Muscle tension dysphagia'

Miss Natasha Quraishi, Specialty Trainee in ENT Surgery, Yorkshire Deanery - 'Laryngeal leukoplakia'

Professor James Hull, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Royal Brompton Hospital London - 'Update on chronic cough' - Virtual presentation

Panel discussion
Closing remarks

Miss Michelle Wyatt

Close of meeting



Registration for access to this event will close on 31 March 2025 at 8:00am (GMT). 

The agenda is subject to change at any time.

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations.

We are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. This is at the presenter and the RSM’s discretion.

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in future on various internet channels.

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