About this event

  • Date and time Mon 14 Apr 2025 from 9:00am to 14 Apr 2025 at 6:00pm
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine
  • Organised by Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine

Join us for an inspiring and thought-provoking event that brings together clinicians, researchers, and academics specialising in integrative oncology and lifestyle medicine. This symposium will explore the potential of evidence-based, holistic interventions including clinical hypnosis to complement traditional cancer care and provide broader benefits for practitioners and patients.

Beyond the 'standard of care,' this event encourages a deeper look at how empowering patients and healthcare teams to embrace integrative options can enhance outcomes and promote healing. The holistic principles at the core of effective medical practice—rooted in compassionate communication, instilling hope, and utilising the placebo effect—are powerful tools that can yield therapeutic benefits, often surpassing even the latest technological advancements.

By attending the meeting, you will

  • Understand what integrative oncology represents
  • Revisit what our microbiome is, and what it influences in terms of health and well-being
  • Enhance your knowledge of the history and role of clinical hypnosis within integrative care, invoking the placebo effect, and a broader perspective on Mind-body medicine 


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We would like to thank our sponsor Helixor for their support of this event. Please note that the main scientific programme and content has not been influenced in any way by the sponsor.

Show Virtual / In Person rates

Tickets (In Person)

Standard pricing available until 13 April 2025.


RSM Fellow
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£48.00 Morning session
£48.00 Afternoon session
RSM Associate
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£38.50 Morning session
£38.50 Afternoon session
RSM Retired Fellow
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£28.50 Morning session
£28.50 Afternoon session
RSM Trainee
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£28.50 Morning session
£28.50 Afternoon session
RSM Student
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£15.00 Morning session
£15.00 Afternoon session

Non - Member

Consultant / GP / SAS Doctors
Day 1
£88.00 Morning session
£88.00 Afternoon session
£65.00 Dinner
AHP / Nurse / Midwife
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£52.50 Morning session
£52.50 Afternoon session
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£52.50 Morning session
£52.50 Afternoon session
Day 1
£65.00 Dinner
£27.50 Morning session
£27.50 Afternoon session

Tickets (Virtual)

Standard pricing available until 13 April 2025.


RSM Fellow
Day 1
£36.00 Morning session
£36.00 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner
RSM Associate
Day 1
£21.50 Morning session
£21.50 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner
RSM Retired Fellow
Day 1
£21.50 Morning session
£21.50 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner
RSM Trainee
Day 1
£21.50 Morning session
£21.50 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner
RSM Student
Day 1
£11.50 Morning session
£11.50 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner

Non - Member

Consultant / GP / SAS Doctors
Day 1
£66.00 Morning session
£66.00 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner
AHP / Nurse / Midwife
Day 1
£39.50 Morning session
£39.50 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner
Day 1
£39.50 Morning session
£39.50 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner
Day 1
£20.50 Morning session
£20.50 Afternoon session
£0.00 Dinner

Key speakers

Elizabeth Thompson

Dr Elizabeth Thompson

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM), and Integrative Medicine Doctor

Speaker's biography

Dr Thompson trained in Medicine at the University of Oxford and Guy’s Hospital in London. Whilst training in Palliative Medicine to Consultant level, she also studied a range of integrative approaches, setting up an Integrative Cancer Care service at the University Hospital in Bristol. In 2014 she set up the National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM) and stepped away from the NHS in 2019 to run NCIM full-time. She is passionate about supporting a transformation in healthcare towards a wellness and empowerment model that combines conventional, lifestyle, functional and holistic approaches to support health and wellbeing. As well as being Academic Director, overseeing programme delivery and teaching on NCIM’s accredited 2–3-year master’s Level 7 Diploma in Integrative Healthcare for healthcare professionals, she practices as an Integrative Doctor, supporting patients with a range of approaches, including Mistletoe Therapy.  She has expertise in integrative cancer care and special interests in women’s health including supporting women with the side effects of breast cancer treatments. Dr Thompson is a council member of the British Society of Integrative Oncology, and has been past President for the European Congress for Integrative Medicine and the Integrative and Personalised Medicine Congress. Along with her Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, she also has a Doctor of Medicine Thesis from the University of Oxford, focusing on complex trial design and understanding placebo responses when investigating complementary approaches.

Robin Daly

Mr Robin Daly MBE

Founder and Chair, Yes to Life: The UK's Integrative Cancer Care Charity

Speaker's biography

Robin Daly founded the charity Yes to Life in response to
the immense difficulties he faced in finding authentic,
appropriate and available complementary and lifestyle
treatments for his daughter Bryony, when she was
facing cancer for the third time, aged twenty-two.
Cancer is one of the most complex conditions and is
fraught with contradictions and disagreements in even
the most fundamental areas, such as causes and
mechanisms. In order to make intelligent decisions, one
has to become a minor expert, and in this field that is a
very tall order. And then, even when you find
approaches that may help you with your particular
cancer, at your particular stage, as well as a practitioner
who offers them in a location you are able to reach,
there is still the matter of paying for what is uniformly
private medicine.
So essentially people need help - they need help in
finding a shortcut to the most promising avenues, and
some need help with funding. Above all, they needed a
positive, supportive response to their difficulties. What
was needed was a charity with no agenda other than to
help people to build their own integrative programme -
using the best on offer from both orthodox medicine
and a broad range of other approaches - and then to
support them in implementing it. So Robin established
Yes to Life in 2005 as the first charity offering direct
support to anyone with cancer in the UK looking for
ways to help their own recovery.


View the programme

Morning session: Beyond ‘standard of care’ - empowering patients and healthcare teams to embrace integrative options

Welcome and introduction

Dr Sarah Partridge, President, Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine Section, Royal Society of Medicine

Integrative oncology and palliative care

Dr Penny Kechagioglou, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Feeding potential to enhance patient care within integrative medicine

Mr Robin Daly MBE, Chair and Founder, Yes to Life: The UK's Integrative Cancer Care Charity

Questions and answers session

Chair: Dr Elizabeth Thompson, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM), and Integrative Medicine Doctor

Tea and coffee break
Microbiomics – honing the winning team within

Mr James Kinross, Consultant Bowel Surgeon, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust

Learning from our “miracle patients”- what are they doing differently?

Dr Emma Davies, General Practitioner, London

Questions and answers session

Chair: Dr Elizabeth Thompson, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM), and Integrative Medicine Doctor


Afternoon session: Hope, compassion and utilising placebo

The history of hypnosis in medical care - where are we now?

Dr Gordon Bates, Consultant Psychiatrist, North Wales

Infusing hope using hypnotic communication approaches

Dr Sarah Partridge

Questions and answers session
Tea and coffee break
Compassionate care and utilising placebo

Professor Jeremy Howick, Professor of Empathic Healthcare, Leicester Medical School, and Director, Stoneygate Centre for Empathic Healthcare

Ideological Compartment Syndrome - thinking outside the box

Professor Paul Dieppe, Consultant Rheumatologist, Institute of Health Services Research, University of Exeter

Questions and answers session
Closing remarks

Dr Sarah Partridge

Close of meeting

Annual general meeting

Section members only

View the programme - virtual

Morning session: Beyond ‘standard of care’ - empowering patients and healthcare teams to embrace integrative options

Welcome and introduction

Dr Sarah Partridge, President, Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine Section, Royal Society of Medicine

Integrative oncology and palliative care

Dr Penny Kechagioglou, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Feeding potential to enhance patient care within integrative medicine

Robin Daly, Chief Executive Officer, Yes to Life: The UK's Integrative Cancer Care Charity

Questions and answers session

Chair: Dr Elizabeth Thompson, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM), and Integrative Medicine Doctor

Comfort break
Microbiomics – honing the winning team within

Mr James Kinross, Consultant Bowel Surgeon, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust

Learning from our “miracle patients”- what are they doing differently?

Dr Emma Davies, General Practitioner, London

Questions and answers session

Chair: Dr Elizabeth Thompson, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM), and Integrative Medicine Doctor


Afternoon session: Hope, compassion and utilising placebo

The history of hypnosis in medical care - where are we now?

Dr Gordon Bates, Consultant Psychiatrist, North Wales

Infusing hope using hypnotic communication approaches

Dr Sarah Partridge

Questions and answers session
Tea and coffee break
Compassionate care and utilising placebo

Professor Jeremy Howick, Professor of Empathic Healthcare, Leicester Medical School, and Director, Stoneygate Centre for Empathic Healthcare

Ideological Compartment Syndrome - thinking outside the box

Professor Paul Dieppe, Consultant Rheumatologist, Institute of Health Services Research, University of Exeter

Questions and answers session
Closing remarks

Dr Sarah Partridge

Close of meeting

Annual general meeting

Section members only



Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom


Registration for this event will close at 1:00 a.m. on Sunday 13 April 2025. Late registrations will not be accepted.

The agenda is subject to change at any time

If the event is recorded, we can only share presentations that we have received permission to share. There is no guarantee that all sessions will be available after the event; this is at the presenter’s and RSM’s discretion.

All views expressed at this event are those of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine or the speakers' organisations.

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in the future on various Internet channels.

Domus - reception

While you’re attending this event

Why not stay in the comfort of our hotel, Domus Medica, book dinner in the restaurant, or even hire one of our private dining rooms to socialise with your peers?

RSM members enjoy access to our enviable club facilities. For more information, please contact our team at domus@rsm.ac.uk or restaurant@rsm.ac.uk.

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