Dr Elizabeth Thompson
Founder & Chief Executive Officer, National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM), and Integrative Medicine Doctor
Speaker's biography
Dr Thompson trained in Medicine at the University of Oxford and Guy’s Hospital in London. Whilst training in Palliative Medicine to Consultant level, she also studied a range of integrative approaches, setting up an Integrative Cancer Care service at the University Hospital in Bristol. In 2014 she set up the National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM) and stepped away from the NHS in 2019 to run NCIM full-time. She is passionate about supporting a transformation in healthcare towards a wellness and empowerment model that combines conventional, lifestyle, functional and holistic approaches to support health and wellbeing. As well as being Academic Director, overseeing programme delivery and teaching on NCIM’s accredited 2–3-year master’s Level 7 Diploma in Integrative Healthcare for healthcare professionals, she practices as an Integrative Doctor, supporting patients with a range of approaches, including Mistletoe Therapy. She has expertise in integrative cancer care and special interests in women’s health including supporting women with the side effects of breast cancer treatments. Dr Thompson is a council member of the British Society of Integrative Oncology, and has been past President for the European Congress for Integrative Medicine and the Integrative and Personalised Medicine Congress. Along with her Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, she also has a Doctor of Medicine Thesis from the University of Oxford, focusing on complex trial design and understanding placebo responses when investigating complementary approaches.