About this event

  • Date and time Thu 8 May 2025 from 8:00am to 5:00pm
  • Location Royal Society of Medicine
  • Organised by Cardiology

This event has been postponed to Thursday 8 May 2025.

Register for our fifth General Day focused on assessment and care of patients before and after cardiac and non-cardiac surgery.

Shortlisted candidates for the President's prize and research will be invited to present their abstracts during this meeting. Would you like to apply?

Deadline: Saturday 1 March 2025

Open to: Cardiology trainees who have received all or part of their training at recognised centres in the UK.

1st prize: £1000, 2nd prize: £500

Apply here

Information will be updated closer to the date, including the addition of a programme. Timings are subject to change.


Trainees: Claiming reimbursement

Once you have booked your place for this event, claim reimbursement for the full amount from your employing Trust via their usual local study leave processes. The relevant approval code to claim reimbursement for these events is MED0008.

Follow us on:


This activity has been supported by Medtronic in the form of an educational grant.

Please note that the company(s) listed above have had no input into the arrangement or educational content of this activity.


Standard pricing available until 07 May 2025.

Trainees: Claim back the price of your ticket from your trust

Trainees are required to pay to attend RSM meetings however are eligible to claim funds back through the usual study leave processes at your trusts. The code to claim reimbursement for these events is MED0008.


RSM Fellow RSM Trainee RSM Associate RSM Retired Fellow RSM Student
£96.00 £57.00 £57.00 £57.00 £30.00

Non - Member

Consultant / GP / SAS Doctors Trainee AHP / Nurse / Midwife Student
£176.00 £105.00 £105.00 £55.00


View the programme

Registration, tea and coffee
Welcome and introduction
Preoperative risk assessment in cardiac and non-cardiac surgery

Speaker to be confirmed 

Perioperative management of cardiac patients

Speaker to be confirmed 

Tea and coffee break
Cardiac rehabilitation: Principles and benefits

Speaker to be confirmed 

Integrating cardiac rehabilitation into postoperative care

Speaker to be confirmed 

Questions and answers
Case-based discussion: Preoperative risk assessment

Speaker to be confirmed 

Panel discussion
Closing remarks
Lunch break
President's Prize presentations
Tea and coffee break
President's Prize presentations
President's Prize awarded and closing remarks
Close of meeting


Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London, W1G 0AE, United Kingdom


Registration for this event will close on 7 May 2025 at 1:00am (GMT). Late registrations will not be accepted. 

The agenda is subject to change at any time  

All views expressed at this event are of the speakers themselves and not of the Royal Society of Medicine, nor the speaker's organisations. 

We are only able to share presentations that we have received permission to share. This is at the presenter and the RSM’s discretion. 

This event will be recorded and stored by the Royal Society of Medicine and may be distributed in future on various internet channels. 

Man searching computer

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